Birthday Photography & Videography
1 hour coverage
Unlimited photos taken
40+ Professionally edited digital photos
Private online gallery
Birthday highlight film 1.5 - 2 minutes
Color correction
Licensed music
from: $749
2 hours coverage
Unlimited photos taken
80+ Professionally edited digital photos
Private online gallery
Mobile app gallery
Birthday highlight film 3-4 minutes
Color correction
Licensed music
from: $949
3 hours coverage
Unlimited photos taken
120+ Professionally edited digital photos
Private online gallery
Mobile app gallery
Birthday highlight film 5+ minutes
Color correction
Licensed music
from: $1149
Every package may include travel fee if it’s over 10 miles from 60618 ZIP Code.
Delivery of final images within 3–10 Days
Delivery of final video within 3–14 Days
- Cancellation Policy
50% non-refundable retainer at the time of booking, 50% remainder due prior to the photoshoot. Payments may be made by e-transfer.
- License Policy
The photographer retains copyright over the Photographic Work and is able to use it for self-promotion. The client may make unlimited reproductions of the Photographic Work for family and friends, both online and offline.
Focal is granted the right to use any photos for self-promotion. Credit will be given to the photographer. If you do not want your images used in this manner, please let your photographer know during the booking process, and we will honor your request.
- Extension Policy
Hours may be extended with mutual consent. The possibility of an extended wedding day should be discussed beforehand. The hourly package rate will apply.
- Payment Policy